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Letters Nov. 10: Wear a mask; cyclists need to be visible

Mandatory masks on our buses, please I am a male in my 40s who lives in the downtown area and takes B.C. Transit every day. My concern is with the drivers who let passengers on who aren’t wearing masks. I wear a mask on the bus as mandated.
A cyclist rides on the Johnson Street Bridge. Darren Stone, Times Colonist

Mandatory masks on our buses, please

I am a male in my 40s who lives in the downtown area and takes B.C. Transit every day.

My concern is with the drivers who let passengers on who aren’t wearing masks. I wear a mask on the bus as mandated. There are signs at almost every bus stop. There are verbal notices on the bus recordings. There is the digital scrolling sign stating that “masks are mandatory.”

Why, as of Sunday, are people still without masks?

Everyone who regularly takes the bus, knew well ahead of time that masks were going to be required. The drivers who were vigilant at first, have relaxed and I find it disconcerting.

With COVID-19 cases rising throughout the province, country and the world, I fail to understand the actions being taken (or not taken) by B.C. Transit. This practice is happening on a regular basis. I see it more every day, on any route.

I just wanted it noted that some people (not just me) are finding this practice troubling and disrespectful to the people who adhere to rules and are doing our part to help during these trying times.

David Abraham

Wearing a mask is a small sacrifice

Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, has just issued a recommendation to wear a three-layer mask for enhanced protection against the virus that causes COVID-19. This reflects the evolving nature of the science behind.

However, any gain in protection efficiency will not have much effect if a large number of people do not wear any mask at all.

Just go into a supermarket or large store and many people of assorted ages go around their business unmasked.

There are places with their own policies requiring to use a mask to enter, but many do not have this requirement. Some stores with a mask policy have seen tense moments and protests by the “no-mask” crowd.

It doesn’t seem fair to leave a store manager to enforce compliance with Health Canada recommendations, as they may have to confront people and most likely they lose customers.

It appears quite evident by now that those unwilling to make a small sacrifice for the sake of their fellow Canadians are not going to wear a mask, no matter how efficient the mask gets.

It’s time for federal and provincial authorities to make masks mandatory, at least in all indoor public spaces, and provide any necessary enforcement.

J.G. Miranda

Cyclists, make yourselves more visible

As an avid cyclist I am shocked to see the number of cyclists wearing grey or black outfits on public roads.

Do you know you are practically invisible to all but the most alert motorist?

You are giving the motorists far too much credit!

Do you see them cutting every corner on roads like West Saanich Road into the shoulder bike lanes? Also, the sight lines are often short here due to the many narrow, windy roads and trees obscuring vision.

Please be a responsible cyclist and wear a bright colored (fluorescent even better) jersey in the day, and reflective gear at night.

Lights do help if they are bright and flashing, but dim bulbs don’t help much when you consider the number of other lights around.

Wearing grey or dark clothing on a public road is as reckless as wearing a Biden shirt to a Trump rally.

The same goes for pedestrians, especially this time of year.

Mark Barnes

Higher risk on B.C. Ferries

The RCMP enforcement of regulations that require passengers to leave their vehicles on the enclosed car decks has nothing to do with COVID-19.

In fact, forcing people to move from their vehicles to the upper decks where they may be in contact with other passengers that are positive virus carriers is counterintuitive.

More people die from opioid overdoses in a week in B.C. than all of the fatalities on B.C. Ferries in 60 years of service. Let’s call it what it is, an enforcement of Transport Canada’s regulations. Given the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 on the passenger decks, I am surprised the Health Minister Adrian Dix or Dr. Bonnie Henry have not been in discussions with Transport Canada regarding this ridiculous regulation.

Mike Wilkinson


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