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Eliminating chaplains is a double whammy

Re: "Non-Christian prison chaplains to get boot," Oct. 5. We used to say religious freedom was bedrock to our Canadian way, but no longer.

Re: "Non-Christian prison chaplains to get boot," Oct. 5.

We used to say religious freedom was bedrock to our Canadian way, but no longer. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is cutting part-time chaplain services to federal prisoners who happen to be Muslim, Sikh or Jewish. Only Christian chaplains will be available.

Virtually everyone in our penal system gets out eventually. Whether they re-enter society positive and hopeful or angry and vengeful makes a difference to every one of us. Wouldn't it make sense to provide the best possible pastoral counseling to a man or woman who requests it? Apparently, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews considers that an inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars.

This is a double whammy. It is an attack on prisoners' rights and our Canadian commitment to multiculturalism.

The savings are minimal. Clearly, this is about another agenda than fiscal management.

Dorothy Field
