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Contraception for people, not deer

Re: “Deer-cull foes ready to foot contraceptive,” June 28. The “foes” have it entirely wrong. It isn’t the deer that need contraceptives, it’s the humans. Humans have massively over-populated the world in the past couple of hundred years.

Re: “Deer-cull foes ready to foot contraceptive,” June 28.

The “foes” have it entirely wrong. It isn’t the deer that need contraceptives, it’s the humans.

Humans have massively over-populated the world in the past couple of hundred years. We’ve taken the deer’s natural habitat (and the habitat of many other animals as well) away from them so we can build our houses on it. And the deer were here first.

We need to spend the next hundred years (at least) limiting every couple to just one child. Maybe a thousand years. That might get the planet back in some kind of balance.

Lea Tassie
