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Kevin Brooker: Food shoppers pay high price for drug war

Have you gone to buy any Mexican limes or avocados lately? The price for both has skyrocketed in recent months, with a wholesale case of limes worth as much as four times what it cost just a year ago.

Have you gone to buy any Mexican limes or avocados lately? The price for both has skyrocketed in recent months, with a wholesale case of limes worth as much as four times what it cost just a year ago.

So what’s the culprit? Bad weather? Trade embargo? Greedy farmers?

No, according to Mexican sources, it has much to do with a drug cartel, calling itself the Knights Templar, which has recently decided that extorting money directly from growers in the lucrative lime and avocado export business is a great way to diversify their “industry.” Thus, the artificially inflated price of these items on supermarket shelves can properly be described as a collateral effect of the war on drugs.

That’s just one of the negative consequences that are being roundly denounced in a new report called Ending the Drug Wars: Report of the London School of Economics’ Expert Group on the Economics of Drug Policy. Other consequences, the report says: “Include mass incarceration in the U.S., highly repressive policies in Asia, vast corruption and political destabilization in Afghanistan and West Africa, immense violence in Latin America, an HIV epidemic in Russia, an acute global shortage of pain medication and the propagation of systematic human rights abuses around the world.”

As if to underline that situation, the first page of the report features a photograph of an obviously healthy field of Afghan opium poppies being guarded by U.S. soldiers.

Written by a blue-ribbon team of economists, politicians and drug policy experts — five of whom are Nobel laureates — they describe the war as a failure on its own terms, i.e. that the goal of reducing drugs on the street has never been met, and indeed, drugs are more plentiful and powerful than ever.

The 84-page report concludes that “a new global drug strategy should be based on principles of public health, harm reduction, illicit-market impact reduction, expanded access to essential medicines, minimization of problematic consumption, rigorously monitored regulatory experimentation and an unwavering commitment to principles of human rights.”

Not that any of this is news to people who have worked in the drug war trenches. But you have to wonder if people like Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his fellow tough-on-crime ideologues will even bother to read this very readable document, in spite of its blue-ribbon provenance.

You will recall back in 2011, when he was presented with the conclusions of a high-profile group with a similar message, B.C.’s Stop the Violence coalition, comprised of former police officers, a judge, medical leaders and a former chief coroner, the PM made it clear there would never be cannabis decriminalization on his watch.

Instead, Harper’s government has presided over a dramatic expansion of the so-called prison-industrial complex. In their first five years, the Tories increased spending on correctional facilities by 86 per cent. And at a time when U.S. lawmakers are reconsidering their botched experiments with mandatory minimum sentencing, Harper’s crew is rowing in the opposite direction.

Six scrawny cannabis plants in some otherwise law-abiding dad’s closet will fetch an automatic six months’ jail time. And you know what that produces — collateral damage. Man loses job, wife has to work two jobs, kids get in trouble and wind up in foster care, a.k.a. crime school.

For what it’s worth, a vast majority of commenters on Canadian news sites agree with the conclusions of the London School of Economics report, and are demanding that federal politicians respond appropriately. The next election must turn on a future government’s willingness to understand the degree of damage visited upon us all by drug prohibition. Unless he somehow learns something new, I don’t fancy Harper’s prospects.


Kevin Brooker is a Calgary writer.