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Recent incidents show dangerous conditions on Cowichan River: Lake Cowichan RCMP

Rescues involving tubers come amid warnings to avoid the river this weekend
An example of a submerged obstacle on the Cowichan River. Via Ladysmith Search and Rescue.

Prak is cct

Lake Cowichan RCMP are reporting two recent incidents where people tubing on the Cowichan River had to be rescued.

The incidents follow warnings from everyone from Ladysmith Search and Rescue volunteers to Lake Cowichan’s mayor that conditions on the river are too dangerous for floating, because of high water levels and hidden hazards.

On May 2, police responded to a tuber in the river yelling for help. The 19-year-old Vancouver man wasn’t wearing a life jacket.

Once police located the man, they realized there were seven other people stranded on the bank needing assistance.

Police also responded to an incident in the river last Saturday when a floating vessel carrying five adults and a child capsized.

“This is a good reminder for everyone that the river is not safe to be tubing or swimming in at this time of year,” said Const. David Prak.

Chief Doug Knott of the Lake Cowichan Fire Department said trees hidden by the high water can pop tubes or pull people under.

B.C. Ambulance warned people going on or near the water this weekend to wear a personal-flotation device and not to mix alcohol and drugs with water activity, including tubing and boating.

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