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Motorcycle impounded after rider clocked doing 103 km/h in 50 zone in View Royal

A $368 ticket was issued to the rider and the motorcycle was towed and impounded for seven days

May might be Motorcycle Awareness Month, but one rider got the wrong kind of attention early Thursday when he was ticketed for excessive speeding on the Island Highway near the View Royal Casino.

The West Shore RCMP Traffic Unit clocked the motorcycle’s speed at 103 kilometres per hour in a 50 km/h zone just after midnight Wednesday.

That was fast enough to yield a $368 ticket for the rider and a tow and seven-day impoundment for the motorcycle.

Excessive-speed penalties kick in for drivers travelling more than 40 km/h over the speed limit.

The fine jumps to $483 if the limit is exceeded by 60 km/h

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