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Insurance boosted for reservists serving in Canada

Part-time soldiers who lose limbs in the line of duty will be treated the same as regular members of the Canadian military in the wake of insurance improvements passed Thursday by the federal Treasury Board.

Part-time soldiers who lose limbs in the line of duty will be treated the same as regular members of the Canadian military in the wake of insurance improvements passed Thursday by the federal Treasury Board.

Government sources told the Canadian Press that the changes will increase coverage for reservists, as recommended by the military ombudsman four years ago.

The improvements take effect almost immediately and a formal announcement is expected later.

Sources said there are only a handful of cases - possibly fewer than 10 - every year and that the cost to taxpayers is measured in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The insurance coverage under review applies to soldiers serving in Canada, and not to reservists who take up duty overseas in places like Afghanistan. They are covered under a separate, more comprehensive system.

Two weeks ago, Defence Minister Peter MacKay promised swift action in the aftermath of ombudsman Pierre Daigle's latest report, which slammed the government for failing to address the issue.