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Fountains back on as water supply at Mount Washington improves

Increasing precipitation and conservation efforts have replenished spring and water reservoir, resort says.
Mount Washington Alpine Resort. Nick Thornton, Mount Washington Alpine Resort

Drinking fountains at Mount Washington Alpine Resort are back on and indoor washrooms are expected to return to normal in the next few weeks, as the water supply improves due to increasing precipitation and conservation efforts.

The springs that supply potable water on the mountain near Courtney were at record lows last month because of a long summer and fall drought, prompting officials to issue urgent warnings for skiers and residents to bring their own water and reduce the amount of toilet flushes and shower times.

However, in an update this week, the resort said water levels have replenished one spring to 95% of capacity and the treated water reservoir is 95.8% full.

The reservoir for the snow-making system, which is currently not in use, is separate from the potable water system.

“Even with increased visitors here at Mount Washington during the busy holiday season, we are pleased to share that along with the precipitation received, our combined efforts to conserve water have made a difference,” the resort said in a statement. “The springs are currently overflowing, and the snow-making reservoir is filling, which are indicators of a positive outcome over the coming months.”

The resort said conservation measures have significantly reduced water use. On Jan. 4, 299 cubic metres of water had been used, compared with 583 cubic metres on the same day a year ago.

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