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Campbell River RCMP nail seven impaired drivers on New Year's Eve

Campbell River RCMP say officers stopped seven impaired drivers over a six-hour period on New Year’s Eve.

Campbell River RCMP say officers stopped seven impaired drivers over a six-hour period on New Year’s Eve.

Two of the seven drivers failed roadside screening tests and were issued 90-day immediate roadside prohibitions. Their vehicles were impounded for 30 days.

The other five blew warnings on the screening devices and were issued three-day suspensions and had their vehicles towed.

One of the five struck a power pole in the 600 block of South Alder just before 2:30 a.m. on Jan. 1, causing a power outage.

“Despite decades of messaging that impaired driving can cost people their lives and livelihood, it seemed that several drivers in Campbell River chose to ignore the well documented slogan ‘If you drink, don’t drive,’ ” police said in a statement.

Const. Maury Tyre said it was fortunate that nobody was seriously injured. “We would hope that the more people see impaired drivers getting caught and punished that it will serve as both education and as a deterrent to impaired driving.”

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