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A habit of giving — and challenging for donation matches

Andrew Beckerman likes nothing more than to share his good fortune with others. The retired architect has given generously to a variety of local causes and in 2017, pledged his $750,000 art collection to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
Andrew Beckerman, a regular donor to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund.

Andrew Beckerman likes nothing more than to share his good fortune with others.

The retired architect has given generously to a variety of local causes and in 2017, pledged his $750,000 art collection to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.

He won the Generosity of Spirit Award at the local National Philanthropy Day event in September, and is a long-time volunteer with AIDS Vancouver Island.

In recent years, the Brooklyn-born Beckerman has turned his attention to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund during the holiday season. As he has with other donations, this year he is putting up money for the fund and challenging the public to match him.

“This would be the third year running,” he said.

It all began with a call to the fund organizer and the offer of a $500 contribution. The proviso was that it was to be equalled by other donors wanting to help those in need at Christmas.

“The first year it took about a week to make that first match,” Beckerman said.

That led to a second $500 contribution that was matched in just three days.

Talk of a third donation was met with the news that there was now a waiting list of people ready to make a matching donation.

“So I did it three times and then last year, I did it three times, as well,” Beckerman said.

This year’s plan is to make four donations with requests for a match.

“So what I’m looking for is my four $500 contributions to become $4,000 for the fund.”

The response has been amazing in the first two years, he said.

Beckerman said there is a simple reason for his desire to give. “I got the lucky hand in the wheel of life,” he said. “I’m not living on the street. I’m living well-housed, well-fed, well-educated. I had a great career.”

He said the bottom line is that he feels he lives a better life if he can help others do the same.

Beckerman said he has matching challenges going on all the time for various charities, including Cool-Aid and Our Place’s new therapeutic facility in View Royal.

The matching-challenge concept has worked well for him, he said. “It seems to get people to go the extra dollar.”

Beckerman is happy to tell his story, saying it helps if people know something about the person behind the challenges. “It’s a real person with real contribution dollars who’d like to amplify them.”

[email protected]

How to donate

Please donate to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund. The fund helps individuals and families in need during the Christmas season. Here are ways to donate:

• Go to That takes you to the Canada Helps website, which is open 24 hours a day and provides an immediate tax receipt.

• Mail a cheque, payable to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund Society, to the Times Colonist Christmas Fund, 2621 Douglas St., Victoria, B.C. V8T 4M2.

• Use your credit card by phoning 250-995-4438 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Outside those hours, messages will be accepted.