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Tania: Challenges and Accomplishments

Two and a half weeks into this journey and I'm still filled with excitement. Not just around winning, but that I'm actually doing this challenge and succeeding. The day I weighed-in, everything changed for me...

Two and a half weeks into this journey and I'm still filled with excitement.  Not just around winning, but that I'm actually doing this challenge and succeeding.  The day I weighed-in, everything changed for me...  food choices and portion control (thank you Julie from Pure Nutrition Consulting), the amount I exercise, and my perspective/outlook on healthy living.  Twelve weeks is a great start.  It is a solid amount of time to help me form habits and get me going in the right direction.  But twelve weeks isn't enough time to make all the changes I need (and want) to accomplish.

I don't go a day without a challenge of some sort.  Sometimes it's a food choice or raising my hands above my head.  Sometimes it's as simple as getting up from a seated position.  My body is sore and I often wonder if it will hold-up under all the pressure and strain.  My amazing trainer Dana (yes, I still like her) won't push me to do anything that might cause me injury - but she DOES push me.  And to be clear, I want to be pushed.  I want to sweat.  I want the aches and pains.  These things are a reminder that I'm working hard to change years of bad choices and bad habits.  I want results and I'm working hard to ensure I get them.

One of the recurring thoughts I have while I zone out on the elliptical, is being smaller, lighter and strong enough to run.  Maybe not a marathon, but to 'go for a run'.  I blame my little sister for this desire.  She took up running a short while ago, and has never looked more strong.  I want to look that strong.  I want to be that fit.  I want to share a run with her when I see her next.

For now, I opt for the more difficult way of doing the workout circuits (always being given easy and hard choices for each exercise).  I fuel my body with foods that help with muscle repair and, are flavourful and satisfying.  I remind myself that I'm accomplishing a lot.  I remember to breathe...