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Faith Forum: In-flight kindness brings to mind lessons from Bible

AMANDA SWARTZ Scenes of people helping people run through my mind like a movie montage, flickering man’s kindness and God’s provision like a reel.



Scenes of people helping people run through my mind like a movie montage, flickering man’s kindness and God’s provision like a reel. Being able to observe this kind of love in the world, and have your attitude change, hopefully for good, is a blessing. This is what my flight from Victoria to Calgary has given me.

From the man who made sure that the lady who dropped her boarding pass found it, to the off-duty pilot sitting beside my mom helping her keep calm during turbulence, to the talkative man sitting with me sharing his wisdom, to the doctors that helped the sick man sitting in front of me, this flight has been a blessing.

One major event of this flight was when the man in front of me passed out and medical attention was required.

Beside him and his wife was a doctor, as was the man sitting in front of him. Both were ready and willing to offer their services. The two doctors got to work, taking good care of the 52-year-old gentleman, who was on his way to France for a vacation. With their help and help of the flight staff, he was looking and feeling much better by the time we landed in Calgary.

Another event was my chat with the gentleman beside me. In many ways, it served to be a discussion that alleviated some of my anxiety over life’s twists and turns.

For most of us, there seems to be times when you come to a crossroads; where decisions, whether big or small, need to be made. Such is life. This is true for our family right now and so anxiety levels have increased.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” asks Jesus. (Luke 12:25).

This verse is one that often comes to me in times like this, but as much as I would love to simply accept its truth and move on, it’s not always that easy. However, having a discussion with a stranger can be surprisingly helpful.

Without knowledge of my situation, he had shared his thoughts on our control over our own attitudes. He remembered when a friend had challenged him to take ownership over his decisions and circumstances. Where I’ve heard this before, it was a timely reminder that circumstances might not always be in our control, but the way we react to them is.

I never knew just how timely this conversation was until I found out that my next flight, bringing me to my destination, was cancelled.

It’s a frustrating thing when life changes on you, most of all when it’s unexpected. And I was able to repeat that conversation in my mind and remember that I should have a grateful attitude because we were kept safe.

The airline paid for our accommodations and food, and I was able to relax, go swimming and, best of all, visit a friend I would not otherwise have been able to. It seems strange at all that I could get upset.

Thankfully, God provided a kind stranger, willing to share his wisdom with me and help my attitude stay in check.

Although the montage ended as I went on to my final destination, I hope that I can continue to keep my mind on seeking out God’s provisions and people’s kindnesses.


Amanda Swartz is a young mother and a member of High Point Salvation Army Church in Vic West.