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More readings - guerrilla gardeners, a prison's excellent carrot cake

Guerilla gardening in Montreal: Neighbours unhappy about a garbage-strewn vacant lot in their midst take action. Chinese restaurant as prairie icon. Almost every prairie town has or had one.

Guerilla gardening in Montreal: Neighbours unhappy about a garbage-strewn vacant lot in their midst take action.

Chinese restaurant as prairie icon. Almost every prairie town has or had one. Edmonton Journal's BIll Mah remembers how he grew up in one. Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton is mounting an exhibit about the role of the Chinese restaurant in prairie life and is asking for help.

The carrot cake baked at Rikers Island prison in New York is reported to be excellent and in high demand. Each loaf weighs 9.5 pounds and is, in addition to the carrots, filled with raisins and walnuts. You pretty much have to be a resident of Rikers Island, or be a guard there, to get a piece.

Many ways to cook corn.

Salt levels appear to be going down in some processed foods.

Globe and Mail's Ian Brown Eats Canada. I thought there'd be too much snark for an upbeat guy like me to tolerate. But no. It's been pretty nice to read. His visit to Calgary is my favourite.

China's fight against disposable chopsticks. About 45 billion throw-away wooden chopsticks are used annually, and that's the equivalent of a lot forests.

Using Facebook and Twitter to sell burgers. You concoct a custom burger and you tell others about it; everytime someone orders "your" burger, you get a 25-cent credit toward your next burger.