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Exercise, diet best to prevent diabetes

Dear doctors: On recent blood-work, my glucose level was 116 (normal on the chart was 65 to 99), and my hemoglobin A1c value is 5.7 (normal is less than 5.7).

Dear doctors: On recent blood-work, my glucose level was 116 (normal on the chart was 65 to 99), and my hemoglobin A1c value is 5.7 (normal is less than 5.7). In the past three months, I have been seeing a naturopathic doctor about my "impaired glucose tolerance," and have been given vanadyl sulfate complex to take twice a day.

Would you recommend taking this kind of supplement, and over what period of time? I've been assured by my naturopath that the capsules I'm taking have no long-term harmful effects. Information on the Internet can be vague and confusing. Any thoughts? I'd like to treat this with my medical doctor as well as with my naturopath doctors. I am a 45-yearold female in relatively good health who should shed about 20 to 25 pounds (which I am working on), and do plan on taking this supplement if I see my values improve.


First, your blood-sugar level and hemoglobin A1c level (both tests for diabetes) are in the abnormal but not diabetic range, so your diagnosis of impaired glucose, sometimes called pre-diabetes, seems right.

Information on the Internet is confusing. If you search for "vanadyl sulfate," you'll get ads and testimonials about how wonderful it is and links to buy it. However, when I looked up the clinical data, I found some studies showing promising results, but two studies showed it did nothing to blood sugar levels or hemoglobin A1c levels in healthy volunteers and in people with impaired glucose levels.

Further, because the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate supplements, you have only the manufacturer's assurance that the product you buy contains the product you want. Many manufacturers have excellent practices; however, some do not.

I also agree that losing a few pounds will help reduce your risk of diabetes. In the definitive trial, diabetes was prevented more successfully with a healthy diet and regular exercise than with proven, regulated diabetes medications. Put your efforts into increasing exercise and improving your diet, not in the supplement. It's harder, but you will feel better, and it's much better to prevent diabetes than to treat it.

Finally, you are right that you should share information on all the medications and supplements you are taking with all of your providers.

While I didn't find any evidence of harm from this product, that's not always the case, and some supplements have bad interactions with prescribed medications.