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I've completed my testing, done my fitness evaluation and met with the nutritionist. Now the difficult part begins.

I've completed my testing, done my fitness evaluation and met with the nutritionist. Now the difficult part begins. With the help of my personal trainer Lindsay and the nutritionist Kathrine I hope to get back to a weight I'm comfortable with (over the years I've become more comfortable with a number that would have mortified me when I was younger. I've come to the realization that I will never be 95 lbs again, I'm only 4'11" so that figure wasn't unreasonable when I was in my early twenties) and a fitness level that lets me to do the things I love.

I say "back to" because apparently if you don’t do any strength training for four months your fitness suffers. Really suffers. ARGH!

I moved to Victoria in September (I'm here for a year on loan from the Ottawa Citizen) and have been coasting since then. I’ve been walking and going to yoga a few times a week. But after my fitness evaluation I realize that wasn’t nearly enough. ARGH!

Actually, my commitment to fitness has been lacking in the last year and now I'm suffering the consequences.

I lost a bunch of weight about 5 years ago (I’ve struggled with my weight for quite a while), but this time I did all the right things. Joined Weight Watchers (an excellent program that I highly recommend. Oh,  and have you seen the their new advertising campaign? I tear up every time I watch the commercial) and I also started to exercise regularly. I joined the Running Room (another excellent program) and the Y where I started doing strength training. I also started practicing yoga about two years ago. In the fall of 2010 I ran my first (and probably my only, sorry running buds) 1/2 marathon.

Unfortunately things started to slowly fall apart after that. Now I’m here and pretty well starting over (not totally, but it feels like it) ARGH!

But I'm ready to re-commit to good nutrition and fitness.

I'm anxious to see what nutritional guidelines Katherine has for me. Our meeting lasted an hour and a half and ended with Katherine looking through my cupboard and fridge. (I'll go into that more in another post)

This is what my workout schedule will be for the next 12 weeks:

With Lindsay: Monday strength, Tuesday intervals (strength and cardio) and Thursday cardio.

Running: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday (I joined the "Learn to Run" clinic at the beginning of January)

Yoga: Tuesday

My overall fitness goal:

I want to be fit enough to continue to do the stuff I like such as, hiking, running (but not  1/2 marathons), rafting (but not the high adventure rafting my son dragged me on last summer, my nose still hurts).

Oh and I am planning (no, I’m going) to do the Tour de Victoria (50K route, can’t get too crazy) at the end of June.

In my next post I'll introduce you to Lindsay and let you know how my first week with her goes.
