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ANNIVERSARY - Weber 60th

Ben & Karlie (Pavey) WOW! Celebrating 60 years! The courting of the sailor and the nurse started in Victoria on a blind date, and they were married in Nanaimo not long after.

Ben & Karlie (Pavey) WOW! Celebrating 60 years! The courting of the sailor and the nurse started in Victoria on a blind date, and they were married in Nanaimo not long after.

The Adventure continues!

They raised their fabulous 2 girls as they moved all across the country - where every new city was a new adventure. Not many people know this great country as well as this family does!

After retiring in Victoria, they moved up to their glorious home on the shores of Mill Bay. Retirement and senior living saw them both busier than ever. Ben continues to play hockey 3 times a week (the only over 80 year old on his hockey team!) and both are very involved in their community, as major volunteers for the Mill Bay Historical Society, and the local museum. Karlie volunteered decades of time with the local food-bank, the tourist information, and her beloved church. They have many amazing travel stories as they explored and "adventured" around the world. The health challenges of living this long have been faced with their matched determination, courage and hope. Karlie and Ben's zest for life, love of fun, & true sense of gratitude have served them well. Krissie and Vickie have been blessed with the very best role models, teachers and parents anyone could ever ask for. BZ ! Congratulations of the highest order - With much love - Vickie, Krissie, Katrina, Murray, Kathryn & Jaydon!