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Mini Vancouver Special is artist’s commentary on the city's cost of living

The Vancouver Special, a boxy, mass-produced home popular between 1965 and 1985, is the subject of a new art installation by Ken Lum, best known for his giant neon East Van cross sculpture.
Artist Ken Lum created a replica of a Vancouver Special in a spare lot on Union Street in Chinatown.

The Vancouver Special, a boxy, mass-produced home popular between 1965 and 1985, is the subject of a new art installation by Ken Lum, best known for his giant neon East Van cross sculpture.

Lum, a Vancouver artist, unveiled his latest creation called Vancouver Especially on Saturday on a small lot between two buildings at 271 Union St. More than 100 people gathered for the opening, many of them commenting on how the piece made them feel melancholy about times gone by.

Vancouver Specials were built so that poor families, many of them immigrants, could afford a home — something that doesn't exist today.

"I think that certainly was the view of a lot of people standing here. That it actually makes them a bit sad. And it's not like the Vancouver Special was that heroic. It was cheap to build, they didn't care about amenities, but it did represent a last moment before the social landscape turned over to the money class," he said.

After Lum received $45,000 in grants, he was standing in the lot on Union Street and realized the sum was similar to how much a Vancouver Special cost in the 1970s.

"I realized this lot wasn't empty. It was full of value, and when you are in Vancouver, where every lot is destined for development, it came to mind that I could use the metaphor of real estate to make a piece. We are in the midst of an affordability crisis. And I also wanted it to traverse biography and my own experience."

The work's production budget was comparable to the value of a Vancouver Special in the 1970s. The size of what that money would buy today is etched into the front of the sculpture, and is not much bigger than a hat box.

But that was too small for an art installation so Lum multiplied the dimensions by eight.

Lum grew up in a Vancouver Special in east Vancouver. It allowed his family, which he said was quite poor because his mother worked in a factory, to climb up a step in terms of owning a home. The piece is very much a symbol of affordability and a comment on how many families — and not just poor families — now can't afford to buy such a home.

Lum now lives in Philadelphia and teaches at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Design.

The Vancouver Special was an architectural style of affordable home designed to maximize square footage on small lots. About 10,000 of them were built in Vancouver.

Lum's sculpture is made of brick, wood and stucco, and looks weathered in the same way as some of the still standing Vancouver Specials.

"I think there's too much control over who gets to determine what is built. I'm not saying developers are bad people, but I think there is something awry in terms of a city where people who grew up in Vancouver can no longer afford to be here," said Lum.

He hopes people will be inspired to talk about the density issues in Vancouver and also be reminded of what a home is, and what it represents.

Vancouver Especially will be exhibited on Union Street for one year.