I am incensed at Island Health’s ludicrous “care delivery” model.
For example, on a 12-hour night shift on an acute medical ward at Victoria General, there have been three registered nurses, who each have four years training, and one licensed practical nurse with two years training.
Island Health’s plan is to change that to two registered nurses and two care aides for 24 patients, the majority of whom are medically unstable and need constant medical care. Aides have five months training to wash, feed and do non-medical tasks.
Is this progress or even safe, when the number of medically trained staff is reduced to one for 12 patients, preventing dedicated nurses from caring for patients as they have been trained? Would you want that for your very ill loved one? No wonder nurses are on stress leave or leaving the profession.
The care aides do have a valid role to play. What would be progress, and a team approach, is if the three RNs and one LPN had two care aides to assist in the care of the 24 very sick patients.
Nurses are already working extra hours and are burned out, but the proposal removes, not adds, nurses. In fact, about 140 nurses are being let go, between the Jubilee and VGH.
This “care delivery” model is dangerous to your, and the nurses’, health.
Too costly, you say? Save money by reducing the large number of highly paid executives and management.
Linda Richardson