A touch of Victoria history in Nelson
Re: “Tracks of history,” Islander, July 16.
One of Victoria’s streetcars can still be seen in Nelson.
Car 400 was in service in Victoria from 1922 until 1948. It was purchased by the Nelson Tramway Society in 1990 and restored.
The society has a single track railway loop that has a streetcar running on it from May until Thanksgiving, to the delight of residents and visitors.
Robin Applewhaite
Plenty of larger lots just ripe for rezoning
Re: “If Oak Bay needs more housing, let’s rezone the Uplands,” commentary, July 17.
The writer suggests rezoning the large properties of Uplands in search of densification, since affordability is not in the equation.
This suggestion for Oak Bay applies to other municipalities as well. In my neighbourhood, Cadboro Bay, Saanich officials and developers are pushing densification where it is already dense in the village core while ignoring the many lots of two to five acres in Ten Mile Point and Queenswood.
Ironically, the vast number of huge multi-acre lots in these areas usually house two to four people.
Gary Henkelmann
Paint-In is a pain for resident of Moss Street
For 34 years, residents of Moss Street have had to endure 30,000 visitors to the TD Art Gallery of Greater Victoria Paint-In.
Every year, all residents must scramble to find alternate parking from Friday until late Saturday in an already stressed parking community.
If you dare use your vehicle, you will spend endless time finding anywhere else to park on your return and if you happen to be away, your car will be towed.
For an entire day we are virtual hostages in our houses, left to endure music, food vendors, toilet lineups and strangers and their garbage on our lawns.
We must cross our fingers hoping no one needs an ambulance or fire truck during this time. Our tax dollars must support added police and emergency personnel at street crossings. The Moss Street Farmers’ Market is unavailable to those who must use a vehicle.
There are simple solutions. For example, I previously lived in a town where one of the largest and oldest rural outdoor art shows in Ontario has been providing a large economic footprint to its community for more than 60 years with 180 artisans in a juried show held in a local park.
Surely, with all the wonderful parks available to us in Victoria (with parking), a new home and enhanced revenue streams could be found.
It is time for a new face and location for this long-standing event in Victoria and I encourage a look at the future of the TD AGGV Paint-In with new possibilities.
B.L. Taylor
Moss Street
Pickleball noise has deep local roots
The Gorge Regatta of 1928 featured “sea flea” outboards racing up and down the waterway at 30 mph. One was captained by future Saanich alderman Sydney Pickles.
Now that was a real noise by a Pickle(s) made.
Dennis Minaker
Not a fan of pickleball or those who play
In response to the recent letter about pickleball being renamed noiseball, I wholeheartedly agree. This is the most obnoxious game played by the most incredibly obnoxious people.
The constant noise of the plastic ball is one thing but the never ending screaming and yelling/cursing that goes with it is astounding.
These people are old enough to know better but they insist on behaving in a manner that is inappropriate for any public park setting.
This game needs to be banned from any public place that is less than a kilometre from private residences.
There are no manners and there is no etiquette when playing this game with regards to the surrounding environment.
Perfect for the most obnoxious members of our society — which is why you will find them all playing pickleball.
David Maloney
Canada must join other countries in changing
Re: “Canada’s economic hara-kiri will have little impact on climate change,” commentary, July 15.
Once again, Gwyn Morgan has been given a platform to display his fealty to the fossil-fuel industry. Perhaps the Times Colonist felt obliged to “balance” the David Suzuki piece it published a couple of days before.
If so, I urge the editors to think again. There is no balancing the terrible truth of where we are heading with the fantasy that business can continue as usual.
It is particularly offensive that Morgan pretends to speak on behalf of “lower-income people,” “those who can least afford carbon taxes,” but neglects to mention the rebates, which amount to more than most households pay.
Although the planned rise in rates will eliminate that bonus by 2030, the whole point of such taxes is to support the transition away from fossil fuels.
Nor does he acknowledge that the shift is well underway elsewhere in the world, including in countries that Canada wants to do business with.
The sooner we join them, the better the chances that the children born today will have a livable future.
Sally Livingston
What income redistribution promotes
Re: “We have already passed safe and just planetary boundaries,” column, July 16.
Trevor Hancock’s latest offering confirms many of the suspicions held by conservatives about the climate crisis.
Much of what he describes as “climate justice” sounds too much like a giant income redistribution scheme.
And these advocates for so-called “climate action” seem remarkably similar to those promoting a system akin to global communism.
Richard Goatcher
License dogs and owners, not just the dogs
People in Saanich are up in arms about whether dogs must be kept on-leash in parks. I have a different perspective.
One day when walking around Beaver Lake, I heard a loud noise coming from the bushes. Suddenly, a German Shepherd came crashing through the bushes beside the trail carrying what appeared to be the bloodied remains of a squirrel.
The owner did not seem at all upset with his dog.
Dogs are an invasive species, like humans, and they both must be controlled to protect the environment.
Some breeds of dog simply do not belong in the urban environment at all, putting them on a leash is not sufficient.
Other dogs need a leash to keep them on the trail, and other dogs will stick by their owner and don’t need a leash.
Perhaps an owner and his/her dog need to be licensed together after passing an obedience test, to be able to walk a dog without the dog being on a short leash.
Kenneth Mintz
Chuckwagon racing is barbaric
I was once again appalled and disgusted by the reports of yet another beautiful animal being made to suffer and die during the chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede for the sake of a barbaric “sport.”
What is this race meant to prove except to provide cheap thrills for mindless entertainment seekers? This debacle has been called a national disgrace, and it is a fitting description.
How much longer will this cruel yearly spectacle be allowed to continue?
It will, I hope, be relegated to rank with the universally condemned Roman Colosseum “sports” of history by more enlightened societies.
Carmel Linka
Constant barrage is tiring to all
It should come as no surprise to any and all social interest groups, no matter the cause, that there is an uptick in the opposition to new, revolutionary or political/social ideology. It is because the population is tiring of the constant barrage from special interest groups, through the media, that continuously tout and project their beliefs on everyone.
If there are true causes that deserve attention or consideration then it is time to reflect on their new found status and recognition without the unending fanfare.
“In your face” movements need to rethink their position and status and consider the success of their actions without being obnoxious and redundant!
John Logan
Comox Valley
Don’t forget to signal when in roundabout
Re: “Always yield to traffic inside roundabout circle,” July 14.
John Ducker missed the most important feature of efficient roundabout use: Signals!
If no one signals, which seems to be the new norm everywhere, not just in roundabouts, drivers have no idea of the intentions of the other vehicle.
The roundabout plunked into the middle of Sooke for example has reduced efficient traffic movement to a standstill – why, because other drivers can’t predict the random behaviour of the self-absorbed non-signallers.
I mean, they know where they are going so who cares about informing others?
Left signal if you intend to stay in, right signal when exiting. It’s pretty simple. And how about signalling when changing lanes, turning, merging etc? Is this not taught anymore?
Jeff Horeth
Don’t reduce accessible parking
As the push for environmentally friendly transportation grows stronger, I applaud the efforts to increase the number of electric vehicle (EV) parking stalls in Greater Victoria.
However, I can’t help but notice that this has come at the expense of accessibility parking stalls, creating a disproportionate number of EV stalls over accessibility stalls, often three to one in many situations.
We need to prioritize accessibility and ensure that everyone, regardless of abilities or economic status, has access to the same opportunities and resources.
EV parking should not be prioritized over accessibility parking, but should be seen as a complement to accessibility parking, so the needs of both groups are served. Local leaders and community members should consider the impact of disproportionate EV parking stalls on accessibility and take action to create a more equitable parking system that benefits everyone.
Kelly D. Miller
Cycle lanes mean anxiety for motorists
Re: “Make pedestrians stop for bicycles,” letter, July 14.
If pedestrians should stop for cyclists, then by using this reasoning, cyclists should stop for cars.
It’s terrifying to navigate right turns across bicycle paths when I am being asked to “yield to bicycles.”
For instance, driving south on Government Street to make a right turn onto Pembroke. Its nearly impossible to swivel my neck enough to see if a cyclist is in sight also travelling south.
There are many spots in the cycle path network that are just as anxiety producing. While I’m at it, I really wish cyclists would stop breezing through red lights!
For the record, I am all in favour of safe streets for everyone.
Annie Weeks
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