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Letters: Columns strike a chord

Dear Editor, Re: " People in racist glass houses ...," " Language not black and white ," Voices , June 4, 18.
Photos: Black Lives Matter protesters march through Richmond city centre_11
Protesters marched down No. 3 Road in Richmond Saturday, June 20, in support of Black Lives Matter.

Dear Editor,

Re: "People in racist glass houses...," "Language not black and white," Voices, June 4, 18.

I just want to take the opportunity to say that I am really enjoying your recent Voices columns with the thoughtful commentary on the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement and what it means for all of us.  

As a white woman married to a Black man, I’ve had a front row seat on the issues that confront people that “stick out” in a crowd.

An enlightening experience for me has been visiting places where I was literally the only white person.

The shoe was on the other foot and I felt a profound sense of unease initially, and I imagined what it must be like to live that as your daily reality.

The sad part is that I have always been treated with far more respect and courtesy in those situations than is offered to many Black people in white-dominated cultures. 

Fiona Reid