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Discounted pass would encourage Delta seniors to stay healthy

Editor: Almost nine months ago the City of Delta introduced a Youth Admission Pass to Delta youth between the ages of 10 and 18. The pass provides its holder with free access to all Delta recreation facilities and drop-in programs.


Almost nine months ago the City of Delta introduced a Youth Admission Pass to Delta youth between the ages of 10 and 18. The pass provides its holder with free access to all Delta recreation facilities and drop-in programs.

From my experience, anything that is free gets limited use, sometimes gets abused and has limited long time effect. After nine months it would be interesting to see the results of this generous offer by the city.

Delta residents over 85 also have complimentaryaccess to the facilities. With the growing base of seniors in Delta, mayor and council also have a responsibility to keep this group healthy, thereby reducing costs on our medical system.

I would suggest Delta consider a $10 monthly rate (same paid by some groups in Delta) for all seniors over the age of 65 and to those with doctor-approved, long-term physical disabilities. This rate, in my opinion, should be offered during non-peak hours, say 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Doing so would encourage more physically challenged and those over 65 to use the facilities. It would also create additional revenue and keep staff engaged during non-peak hours. Let’s encourage our seniors to stay healthy.

Hari Aroon