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Minister's Minute: Warning: caution fatigue ahead!

Some time ago I was introduced to the term, compassion fatigue – the experience of giving out more through caring and compassion then you are able to replenish - something that people in caring professions know all too well.
Minister's Minute

Some time ago I was introduced to the term, compassion fatigue – the experience of giving out more through caring and compassion then you are able to replenish - something that people in caring professions know all too well.

But today I learned a brand new term, “caution fatigue!”

It caught my eye and my curiosity. It came to me from an internal company communique that a friend forwarded. It stated, “When the pandemic first began, people were energized and eager to work hard to flatten the curve, but the combination of prolonged isolation, strict health and safety protocols, and increased stress levels has left many people feeling tired, less motivated and less careful.”

How do we guard against this? My mind drifted to the habit of Jesus to socially distance himself on a regular basis in order to pray (Luke 5:16). He also encouraged those that wished to follow him to practice a daily rhythm of letting go. His words translate in English to roughly, “you’re going to have deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

Two quick thoughts. First, I recommend you develop a daily rhythm that allows you to shed the weight of the previous day, reset your focus and help you approach each day with energy.  Basically, don’t let the repetition of warnings build up. Second, allow your relationship with God to strengthen you. You don’t have to carry this weight on your own. You don’t have to know how everything will play out in the weeks to come.

Let’s just stick close to the one who has it all under his control. With a little effort I think we can throw caution fatigue to the wind.