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Getting strategic ensures your vote counts

Editor: At last week's all-candidates debates, Green candidate Craig DeCraene stated that every vote for the Green Party is important because it gives Elizabeth May the “moral authority” to speak out in Parliament.


At last week's all-candidates debates, Green candidate Craig DeCraene stated that every vote for the Green Party is important because it gives Elizabeth May the “moral authority” to speak out in Parliament. Now I respect DeCraene for putting his name forward as the Green Party representative in Delta, but I must disagree with his argument to garner votes.

A member of Parliament from a party with 35 per cent of the national popular vote doesn't have more weight to speak out in Parliament than a member of Parliament from a party with five per cent of the national popular vote. That’s simply how our democracy works - and we can all be glad for it. Each member has one vote.

That being said, if you vote for a party because of the party platform, that’s your right and privilege to vote expression rather than strategic in our democracy. The Green Party has certainly brought many important topics to the forefront that need action.

However, if you’re voting in a riding for a candidate that has no realistic chance of winning, then make sure your vote counts. Vote for a candidate from a party that will work with the party of your choice.

In this election there are some major issues on the table: acting on climate change or denying it exists; moving towards national pharmacare; embracing equality and inclusion. Not all the parties believe in these topics. Choose and vote wisely.

Peggy Richardson