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Rentals get bad rap



Recent discussions on short-term rental properties have been undeniably charged. Issues around inequality, and accusations of entitlement (on both sides) are rampant. Horror stories of party houses are everywhere.

The reality is: long-term tenants party too. Eight adults renting long-term accommodations together have a strong historical correlation with noise complaints. Evicting long-term tenants, even with cause, is almost impossible. Absentee investors eventually wise up to this, and leave their homes empty to skip wear and tear on the house.

Properly managed short-term rentals should have a place on the Coast. Good operators create local jobs, bring in tourism dollars, and pour their hearts and savings into running their business smoothly. If you’re doing it properly, it’s hard work. Unfortunately, we only hear about the ones who aren’t.

I’d much rather live next to a well-run vacation home full of tourists than an empty offshore ghost-house.

Samantha Stanway, Gibsons