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Lunch buckets for bears



Couldn’t help but notice the glaring differences on the two consecutive pages last week in your paper.

On one page the Conservation Officer Service was calling for people to get their behinds in gear and practise “Bear Aware” procedures as far as garbage cans, etc., were concerned because of the number of animals that had to be put down.

On the opposite page you ran an article telling us about the new SCRD compost buckets (we call them “bear lunch bucket Mondays” in Gibsons), which are coming into effect soon for rural areas on the Coast.

So, I’m guessing putting meat scraps, fruit, veggies, pizza boxes, etc., out on the side of the road in rural areas won’t attract hungry, lazy bears into these areas.

And we’re paying these geniuses to run our community!

Happy New Year to our wildlife!

Fred Tucker, Area E