Maurizio Conforti of Conforti Homes succeeds Tim Schauerte of James’ Joinery as president of the Victoria Residential Builders Association’s board of directors for 2015-16. The new executive also includes vice-president and builders’ council chair Terry Johal, Terry Johal Developments; second vice-president Todd Halaburda, New West Development; treasurer Jenny Martin, Jenny Martin Design; and suppliers and trades council chair Derek Ballman, FloForm Countertops. The directors are Dusty Delain, Amity Construction; Mike Dunsmuir, Step One Design; Maximilian Huxley, Maximilian Huxley Construction; Kyle Leggett, Java Designs; Rob Parsons, R. Parsons Construction; Matt Peulen, Metropolitan Capital Partners; Kyle Ryan, Abstract Developments; Ellie Sercombe, Limona Group; and Norm Verbrugge, Norman Homes Inc.
Museum awards
Jenifer Iredale, retired director of the province’s Heritage Branch, won a Distinguished Service Award from the B.C. Museums Association. She served as curator, writer, manager and director for the Province of British Columbia and its collections. She has been a champion of heritage and history, collections and historic places and worked tirelessly to establish unique partnerships around the province to support heritage conservation. The City of Nanaimo Culture and Heritage Department received the Corporate Service Award for creating the Cultural Managers Working Group.
Tourism Vic honoured
Tourism Victoria has been awarded two Gold Adrian Awards by the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International. The awards are for work around marketing the Victoria Conference Optimization Network (VCON) and for its Beyond Words partnership with Baggins Shoes.