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'We need assistance immediately': trial hears radio calls from sinking ferry

'We need assistance immediately': trial hears radio calls from sinking ferry

VANCOUVER - The first moment anyone from the outside world knew something was amiss on the Queen of the North passenger ferry, crippled and taking on water off the northern coast of British Columbia, came at roughly 22 minutes past midnight on a wind
'We need assistance immediately': trial hears radio calls from sinking ferry

'We need assistance immediately': trial hears radio calls from sinking ferry

VANCOUVER - The first moment anyone from the outside world knew something was amiss on the Queen of the North passenger ferry, crippled and taking on water off the northern coast of British Columbia, came at roughly 22 minutes past midnight on a wind
B.C. privacy watchdog launches charter challenge of election advertising law

B.C. privacy watchdog launches charter challenge of election advertising law

VANCOUVER - An independent privacy watchdog concerned that British Columbia's election laws violate freedom of political expression has mounted a legal challenge just months before a provincial election. The B.C.
Ukranian teen records rare sighting off B.C. coast half a world away

Ukranian teen records rare sighting off B.C. coast half a world away

VANCOUVER - Kirill Dudko was sitting in front of a computer in eastern Ukraine, watching a live video feed from a deep-sea, underwater camera nearly a kilometre below the surface off Vancouver Island, when the 14-year-old saw signs of life.
Trail scofflaws to face wheel trouble as unpaid tickets could lead to boot

Trail scofflaws to face wheel trouble as unpaid tickets could lead to boot

TRAIL, B.C. - Scofflaws in Trail, B.C., beware; the boot beckons if parking tickets go unpaid. Councillors in the southeastern B.C.
Details of $6 million payout in Basi-Virk case stay hidden

Details of $6 million payout in Basi-Virk case stay hidden

VANCOUVER - Taxpayers in British Columbia may never fully learn why the government paid $6 million in legal fees for two former ministerial aides who pleaded guilty to corruption charges, after a judge dismissed an application for government document
Crown to seek dangerous offender assessment of serial child rapist

Crown to seek dangerous offender assessment of serial child rapist

VANCOUVER - The Crown will ask for a psychiatric assessment of serial child rapist Ibata Hexamer to determine whether to seek dangerous or long-term offender status.
Puppies snatched from Abbotsford home

Puppies snatched from Abbotsford home

A small dog and two puppies were snatched from an Abbotsford home last Wednesday night. Though other valuables were inside the home, thieves only targeted two Yorkie-Mal-tese cross puppies ('Morkies') and a four-year-old Yorkie, said Const.
Movie jobs plummet as Hollywood shuns Hollywood North

Movie jobs plummet as Hollywood shuns Hollywood North

Job figures support claims that tax incentives gap is driving steep decline in B.C. industry
Feds plan to clamp down on student visa fraud

Feds plan to clamp down on student visa fraud

But lawyer and author doubt proposed changes would deter immigration system abuse