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Long way to go in sexist attitudes

Re: “We’re still blaming victims,” editorial, July 31. Thank you so much for motivating us all to re-examine our phalocentric attitude toward women.

Re: “We’re still blaming victims,” editorial, July 31.

Thank you so much for motivating us all to re-examine our phalocentric attitude toward women. But despite century after century of experience and knowledge, it seems that all cultures still seek ”wise” advice from their most ancient texts, though written by guys not that far removed from the club-and-carry gang.

So, unfortunately, it seems unlikely it will help much. Even as we speak in this 21st century,we see republicans frantically demanding laws to protect we poor males from being lured into sin by enticing young ladies. I had thought the SlutWalk girls would wake society up to this bizarre attitude, but violence against women continues unabated.

A woman’s only hope, as I see it, is to demand laws that really punish those who disregard her personal space and try to get as many women judges appointed as they can.

Andy Mulcahy
