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It’s time to stop whale-watching tours

Re: “Tourist boat collides with whale,” Aug. 9. I was downtown on Monday when I saw the Zodiac that was in the news, preparing to take tourists to see the whales.

Re: “Tourist boat collides with whale,” Aug. 9.


I was downtown on Monday when I saw the Zodiac that was in the news, preparing to take tourists to see the whales. After they sailed, a humpback whale collided with their boat, causing injuries to two passengers.

It’s time to cancel the whale-watching business, which is making money by tampering with nature. Leave the whales alone to live a stress-free life instead of using them for the sake of tourism. Zodiacs are driven fast and are capable of leaving huge wakes dangerous to small boats.

On Monday, people might have been killed and a whale injured. It’s just a matter of time before this occurs.

Could the Department of Fisheries and Oceans do something to “save the whales”?


Kathleen P. Barnes
