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Early detection of hereditary eye disease could have saved local man’s sight

Sponsored by Canadian National Institute for the Blind Ontarian Sheldon Francis wishes he had known when he was growing up that both his parents had glaucoma. The information could have saved his sight.
Sheldon Francis
Sheldon Francis was diagnosed with glaucoma at the age of 24. Looking in the mirror one day, he realized he wasn’t seeing properly.

Sponsored by Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Ontarian Sheldon Francis wishes he had known when he was growing up that both his parents had glaucoma. The information could have saved his sight.

Francis was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 24. Looking in the mirror one day, he realized he wasn’t seeing properly. Something was different. That’s when he made his first eye exam appointment in 12 years.

When his doctor of optometry finished with the exam, he told Francis exactly why he was having trouble seeing: despite his youth, Francis had glaucoma, a serious eye disease that can lead to blindness.

“[The doctor of optometry] couldn’t believe I was losing my eyesight at such a young age,” says Francis. “He immediately asked me if my mother or father suffered from glaucoma, since it runs in families.”

His mother, who was born in Jamaica, had glaucoma but didn’t know the condition was genetic. Francis learned that his father, who hails from Ghana and with whom he is not close, also had the disease. Other family members were also diagnosed with the disease, including a grandfather and two uncles.

Francis, who grew up in Markham, Ont., says if he and his family had known glaucoma was hereditary and more prevalent in people of African descent, he would have had his eyes checked by a doctor of optometry much earlier and more frequently. Early detection is key to fighting the disease.

Soon after his diagnosis, Francis underwent eye surgery and was given a strict regimen of eye drop treatments to relieve the pressure in his right eye. For a time, although legally blind in that eye, he was able to continue his life as he had before: supporting himself through construction work and partying most nights. 

“I was going out to clubs all the time,” he says. “I wasn’t caring so much about my eye health because I could still see out of my left eye and a bit out of my right eye.”

But two years ago, Francis woke up one morning and could hardly see out of his left eye at all. Now, his vision was severely limited – he could only see light with his left eye, and only what was directly in front of him with his right.

“One minute I could see,” he says, “and the next I had a mobility cane.”

After that, he didn’t even want to leave his apartment, feeling his situation was hopeless. Eventually Francis decided he needed to get on with his life.

“I told a friend, ‘I don’t know what to do with myself but I really want to start doing something. I don’t want to fall into a slump.’”

Several friends and his eye doctor encouraged him to get in touch with CNIB, a charity that provides services and support to Canadians who are blind or partially sighted to help them lead more independent lives.

Now 36, Francis has benefited from a host of CNIB programs that have helped return a sense of normalcy to his life, including training on how to be self-reliant in the kitchen and how to use a white cane to get around safely on his own.

“The specialist would show me landmarks so I’d know where I was – like ‘When you hit this pole you’re at your house’ or ‘When you hit this bin you’re at the variety store.’”

All this helped Francis build his independence, but he says a CNIB support group for people who have recently experienced serious vision loss also gave him the strength he needed to come to terms with losing his sight.  

“[The group] gave me confidence,” Francis says. “I needed to hear inspiring stories – people like me saying ‘I tried this for the first time’ – to build myself up.”

His new-found confidence has Francis thinking about his future. He plans to look for employment, and, to prepare, he’s learning to type at CNIB.

The organization has set him up with a laptop and he’s being tutored on how to use email with voice-over software as well as how to navigate the Internet. He’s also taking basic braille classes and plans to use his new skills towards completing his high school diploma.

With big goals ahead, Francis has become more focused on improving his overall well-being: he’s even starting weekly yoga classes at CNIB to get into better shape.

“CNIB is a lifesaver,” he says. “If it wasn’t for them, I would still be sitting around my house.”

May is Vision Health Month. Learn more at