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B.C. herring harvest faces rough waters

The British Columbia commercial herring fishery is taking place on a sea of troubles this season.

The British Columbia commercial herring fishery is taking place on a sea of troubles this season.

Herring, a foundation fish in the ocean food chain, remains a staple for the commercial fishery, worth $10 million in landed value to boats in a good year. However, opinions remain divided on how well stocks have recovered after being fished to near collapse in the 1960s.

In the Strait of Georgia, where stocks are characterized as at near historic levels, the herring spawn has looked healthy but fishermen have been confounded by schools in which fish didn’t have enough roe to be commercially viable.

Officials estimate they’ve only netted half their allocated catch, with expectations for prices so low it was hard for a lot of boats to justify going out.

Outside the strait, for the second season in a row, First Nations are fighting decisions to allow catches in regions where fisheries haven’t taken place for more than a decade, in some cases.

They argue herring stocks in their territories are fragile and any commercial fishery threatens their continued recovery, despite Department of Fisheries and Oceans scientific assessments that populations have reached a level that can sustain a conservative harvest.

In defiance, the Central Coast’s Heiltsuk First Nation last week declared its territory around Bella Bella closed to the commercial herring-roe fishery and responded with outrage when DFO held a short seine boat opening Sunday, only informing the Heiltsuk once it was underway.

“It was very bad-faith on behalf of DFO,” said Marilyn Slett, Chief Councillor of the Heiltsuk.

Slett said they reinforced that they were opposed to the opening during a conversation with DFO’s area manager as late as Sunday afternoon, and “no sooner had we hung up the phone, we learned the test fishery was concluded, and they had already opened up the seine fishery.”

Slett said the Heiltsuk view the opening as a violation of their constitutional right and are worried that the commercial catch, which takes the fish for its roe, will jeopardize their own roe-on-kelp harvest, which collects layers of spawned eggs deposited on kelp or cedar boughs placed in the water for this purpose.

Now the Heiltsuk are worried that the commercial catch, which takes the fish for its roe, will jeopardize their own roe-on-kelp harvest, which collects layers of spawned eggs deposited on kelp or cedar boughs placed in the water for this purpose.

First Nations harvest roe for their own food and for ceremonial purposes, as well as for commercial sale, and “those are constitutionally protected rights,” Slett said.

The Heiltsuk vowed to block the next fishery, a gillnet opening this week. They carried a protest to Vancouver for a rally outside the offices of Canfisco, a big holder of commercial herring licences on the coast. “We’re not against commercial fishing, but there has to be the abundance out there to support it,” Slett said.

Elsewhere, the Haida Nation won a Federal Court injunction March 6 barring a commercial fishery off the southern tip of Gwaii Hanaas with the ruling agreeing that fishing would risk “irreparable harm” to their interests.

The Nuu-chahl-nuth Tribal Council on the West Coast of Vancouver Island failed in their bid for a similar injunction, but Don Hall, fisheries program manager for the council, said they share the same concerns about DFO’s forecasts not matching up with the observation of aboriginal fishermen on the water.

“I’m dealing with guys who have done this all their lives, and they said there’s no way [that amount of herring] on the West Coast that spawned,” Hall said.

The DFO declined to comment, but commercial-fishing groups defend the department’s assessment process, which was revised because of accuracy concerns.

“The stock information we have indicates numbers have been increasing over the last yew years,” said Greg Thomas, executive director of the Herring Conservation Research Society, enough so to pass the cutoff point to allow commercial fishing.

And in concession to conservation concerns, “which the industry and DFO share,” Thomas said catch allocations for the central coast were half the amount they normally would for a similar forecast.

“The fishing industry is in business for the long term,” Thomas said. “If information indicates stocks are weak and likely to return below [fishing] cutoff levels, they will not fish that area.”

However, if numbers warrant, boats “need access to all these areas when there is a fishable surplus.”

In 2012, the landed value of the 13,000 tonnes of herring totalled $8.1 million to fishermen. The majority — 8,600 tonnes, worth $5.6 million — went to the roe fishery with the prized golden eggs selling primarily in Japan.

This season has been a trying harvest for fisherman, Thomas said, with the Georgia Strait fishery taking less than half its 30,000-tonne allocation with little time left, although there appears to be a lot of herring around.

Fisherman Bob Rezansoff said seine boats ran into hit-or-miss conditions where samples from the herring they corralled often didn’t contain enough females with roe of high enough quality to justify hauling nets in, so they let them go.

He added that suggested prices for herring of $200 to $300 per tonne (fishermen typically don’t learn what final prices will be until the season is over) were too low for a lot of boats to justify going out.

“I would think 75 per cent of gillnet boats decided not to fish [the Georgia Strait],” Rezansoff said. “The price wasn’t adequate for the amount of work involved.”

Thomas said peer review of DFO’s science will continue after this season and he expects DFO will hold additional meetings in all herring fishing areas around setting objectives for harvest policies.

Hall said First Nation communities are looking for more collaboration.

“How do we start a dialogue earlier?”