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'Grolar' hybrid bears confirmed in Canadian study

'Grolar' hybrid bears confirmed in Canadian study

Few hybrid bears suggest Canadian polar bears not yet getting 'genetically swamped' by grizzlies, say researchers
B.C. coal mining company penalized $41,100

B.C. coal mining company penalized $41,100

Between 2020 and 2023, the company failed to properly monitor mine waste flowing into a nearby fish-bearing tributary, according to a recent decision.
Fired B.C. environmental officer who feared for safety given years of back pay, job back

Fired B.C. environmental officer who feared for safety given years of back pay, job back

Former Canadian environmental officer who feared for her life at work wins multi-year case. The labour board ruling raises concerns she was fired as an example to other government employees.
Canadian minister waited too long to recommend spotted owl emergency order, judge rules

Canadian minister waited too long to recommend spotted owl emergency order, judge rules

The ruling found Canada's environment minister waited too long to issue a call to halt logging threatening the B.C. owl. It could guide future action on endangered species in Canada.
Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study

Flat tax on big polluters could fund basic income, finds UBC study

Authors say flat tax on companies who release carbon emissions and overexploit natural resources could largely fund a basic income program, while boosting Canada's GDP by $541 billion
Canada launches coastal flooding alert system

Canada launches coastal flooding alert system

System meant to warn Canadians of high-impact coastal flooding events, give emergency authorities time to prepare. 
Canadian teleworkers save over an hour a day, finds StatCan study

Canadian teleworkers save over an hour a day, finds StatCan study

Share of Canadians working from home remains triple that of pre-pandemic levels, a Statistics Canada study has found.
Chilliwack penalized $11,000 for removing bear fence and exposing landfill

Chilliwack penalized $11,000 for removing bear fence and exposing landfill

Chilliwack was found to have removed an electric bear fence, but says reported bear sightings at the landfill were a result of 'miscommunication or misunderstanding.'
Make Metro Vancouver an elected board, councillors ask B.C. premier

Make Metro Vancouver an elected board, councillors ask B.C. premier

Metro Vancouver's current governance model includes 41 appointed board members from 23 local governments.
Vancouver natural gas leads North American cities in toxic benzene

Vancouver natural gas leads North American cities in toxic benzene

Long-term exposure to benzene has been found to cause blood cancers like leukemia.